Low Waste and Ethically Sourced (So.)
You might be wondering how in fact we are low waste?
We recently had a comment online about some of the products we are about to stock:
““Can I please ask how this is low waste? Do you recycle the packaging personally after use?””
We absolutely love this comment, as not only does it let us connect with you and also educate others. It also lets us share a bit about how Ethically So. works.
Our icecaps are melting, our coral is bleaching and our forests are burning.
There are 4 mains ways in which we feel like we are a LOW WASTE company
Low Emission Waste
Here at Ethically So. we are very conscious about working with companies based in New Zealand. We wanted to create a company in New Zealand for New Zealanders. Which is why for now we are working only with companies who produce in this country. This means that there are no products being imported or exported in and out of the country, and therefor there are no-to very little travel emissions being given off.
It’s very common knowledge that travel is one of the top causes of global warming. Travel emits methane gasses which in turn heats up our planet and our oceans. Our icecaps are melting, our coral is bleaching and our forests are burning.
Our aim here at Ethically So. is to keep our companies emissions as low as possible to protect our planet.
Low Chemical Waste
When choosing which companies to work with we are very interested in looking at where the ingredients come from. We are a big fan of companies whose focus is on that of natural ingredients.
We don’t want to be adding chemicals to our bodies and skin. Let alone adding it into the water systems, and ultimately into our oceans. Our bodies are our temples. We know how important self care is for not only our health but our mental health also. Which is why we pride our self on being …
Plastic Free Packaging
How often do you feel like you are making a difference by shopping for a product that is going to help you use less plastic. Only for it to turn up covered in plastic packaging?
This really is a NO GO for us here at Ethically So. When we say we want to go low waste, that includes your packaging being low waste too. All the packaging that your products will come in will be as plastic free as possible, compostable, and recyclable. We are also going to keep our branding minimal which means you can reuse the boxes too.
Reusable Product Packaging
For quite a while now I have only been purchasing products that have packaging that I know I can re-use or up-cycle. It’s actually surprisingly easy, when you get into the habit of it, and living a low waste life becomes your priority. I get that it isn’t always that easy for everybody. Which is why here at Ethically So. we are on a mission to make it easy for everybody.
Our overall aim is to make ‘living a sustainable life an easy life’. Which is why when choosing products we have really focused on making sure their packaging is reusable. In some cases this may not always be possible for everyone which is why we are in the middle of working on a give back scheme.
We are hoping that we will be able to set in place a scheme where you can give back product packaging that you don’t want to up-cycle and we in turn will give you points to go towards your next purchase for The Collection.
The Giveback program is a working progress. Please be patient with us :)
Love Annie, A.K.A @rocketandhoney
Founder of Ethically So.